Installation and administration
1.1 Installing on Windows
To install NitrosBase on Windows, just run the setup file nbsetup.exe
Operating system requirements
- Windows Server 2016 and higher
- Windows 10
Hardware requirements
- The number of processor cores ≥ 4;
- Processor frequency ≥ 2.0 GHz;
- RAM ≥ 16 GB;
- Hard disk space (SSD preferred) ≥ 128 GB.
Demo database deployment
Open terminal and change directory to bin (where nbase located) and execute the commands:
Create the
demo database:
nbase sntest1 -c create -p 3020
Fill the database with demo data:
nbase -p 3020 -q < ../
Execute simple demo query:
nbase -p 3020 -q "select name, lastname, age from person limit 10"
1.2 Installing on Linux
To install NitrosBase under Linux, it is enough to unzip the distributive package into any directory.
Operating system requirements
- Linux x64
- GNU library GLIBC 2.23 or higher
Hardware requirements
- The number of processor cores ≥ 4;
- Processor frequency ≥ 2.0 GHz;
- RAM ≥ 16 GB;
- Hard disk space (SSD preferred) ≥ 128 GB.
Demo database deployment
Open terminal and change directory to bin (where nbase located) and execute the commands:
Create the
demo database:
./nbase sntest1 -c create -p 3020
Fill the database with demo data:
./nbase -p 3020 -q < ../
Execute simple demo query:
./nbase -p 3020 -q "select name, lastname, age from person limit 10"
The nbase
program allows you to administer NitrosBase databases.
To work in terminal mode, you can use CLI (Command Line Interface) commands.
Also, nbase
is a web server for remote administration using a standard web browser.
2.1 Command Line Interface
The nbase
program (utility) provides a command line interface for basic database administration operations.
nbase [dbname] [options]
-h -- show this help
-c <command> -- command:
create - create new database and start server for it
(dbname and port are required)
open - start server for database specified
(dbname and port are required)
close - stop server of database specified
(port is required)
backup - backup database specified
(port is required)
restore - restore database specified
(dbname, port and backuppath are required)
-p <port> -- TCP port listened by server
--folder <path>
-f <path> -- path to folder where database will be created
default is setuppath/data
(c:/nitrosbaseuni/data for windows)
-q "sql command" -- execute SQL query against database specified
(port is required);
if query is omitted, it will be red
from standard input
-b <path> -- backup path
-t -- terminate nbase background process
Usage 2:
nbase a -- start admin panel
Creating and running a database
nbase sntest1 -c create -p 3020
By default, the database is created in the setuppath/data directory (c:/nitrosbaseuni/data folder for windows).
If you need to create database in another directory, use parameter -f
nbase sntest2 -f d:\tmp -c create -p 3021
Running the existing database
nbase sntest1 -c open -p 3020
Closing the Database
nbase -c close -p 3020
Running SQL query
nbase -p 3020 -q "select * from person limit 10"
Running SQL query from file
nbase -p 3020 -q < query.sql
2.2 Database administrator Web Interface
Database administrator Web Interface will be available with NitrosBase 2.2
NitrosBase Admin
is the database management application for NitrosBase DBMS. It supports all the functions necessary for managing NitrosBase: from writing simple SQL queries to developing complex databases. NitrosBase
Admin supports Windows
and Linux
operation systems.
To run it on Windows
you need to enter Start
menu, in the folder NitrosBase
click NitrosBase Аdmin
. NitrosBase Admin
Web application will start in your Web Browser.
To run the application under Linux
, run the command
nbase a
You can also launch the browser and type the URL:
The program interface is presented by:
- the main menu located at the top of the page;
- the left panel containing the tree of management objects (databases, tables, columns, indexes): for example, the program provides a test database;
- the query area that allows you to create and run each query in a separate tab;
- the data area displaying query results.
To create databases and perform operations on the database objects, a context menu is provided containing commands for creating, changing, and deleting database objects. All changes made in the database are displayed in the object tree in the left pane.
To work with queries, a separate section of the Query menu has been created in NitrosBase Admin
, which allows you to create, run, save, open saved queries, etc.
For your convenience, the Help
section provides information resources to help you in working with this application.
2.3 The catalog structure
The unpacked installation contains the following directories
— DBMS server and client executable files, some librariesdata
— folder in which the databases are createdinclude
— C/C++ Header filessamples.c++
— С++
— Java
— test database data